Terra Aquatica Pro Organic (Grow) 1 L

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Root Growth Promoter T.A. Pro Organic (Grow) 1 L

Terra Aquatica Pro Organic Grow (G.O. Thrive Grow / BioThrive Grow) is formulated to maximize vegetative growth by supplying plants with a custom diet that stimulates vigorous root and foliage development. Through proper nutrition, we create a strong frame for later flower, fruit, and seed production. Use Pro Organic to give all types of plants a strong start. For all plants, during their growth cycle. Pro Organic applies to the European regulation on organic agriculture N° 834/2007. Pro Organic formulas are specifically designed to meet the comprehensive needs of all plants through every stage of growth. We base our formulations on ecological principals that maintain respect for the environment while providing plants balanced nutrition. Pro Organic actively improves the root environment by feeding the microbes that live in harmony with your plant. This provides the essential nutrition that creates healthy vegetative, flowering, and fruiting growth. Pro Organic is ideal for every type of plant and can be applied along with other products in the Terra Aquatica line. Use with all garden soils, potting mixes, and other growing media. Pro Organic is perfectly soluble, it is extremely efficient in fertigation and drip irrigation. You can also use it in bioponics.


For Potting Mixes

  • Light Feeding: Add 2 teaspoons of Pro Organic Grow per gallon of water with every watering
  • Heavy Feeding: Add 4 teaspoons of Pro Organic Grow per gallon of water with every watering
  • If using soils low in calcium, coir, perlite, rock wool or any sterile media, we recommend that you include Calcium and Magnesium for best results

For Hydroponics

  • Add 2 - 4 teaspoons of Pro Organic Grow per gallon of water for every nutrient change
  • Keep nutrient solution aerated with coarse bubble
  • To achieve a complete nutrient profile for hydroponic culture you must include Calcium and Magnesium


  • NPK (3 - 1 - 6)


  • Macronutrients: Total Nitrogen (N) 4.0 % (4.0 % Water Soluble Organic Nitrogen), Available Phosphate (P2O5) 3.0 %, Soluble Potash (K2O) 3.0 %
  • Secundray nutrients: Magnesium (Mg) 0.5 % (0.5 % Water Soluble Magnesium (Mg))
  • Micronutrients: Boron (B) 0.01 %, Copper (Cu) 0.01 % (0.01 % Water Soluble Copper (Cu)), Iron (Fe) 0.1 % (0.1 % Water Soluble Iron (Fe)), Manganese (Mn) 0.03 % (0.03 % Water Soluble Manganese (Mn)), Molybdenum (Mo) 0.002 %, Zinc (Zn) 0.01 % (0.01 % Water Soluble Zinc (Zn))


  • Alfalfa meal, copper sulfate, ferric sulfate, kieserite, manganese sulfate, molasses, potassium sulfate, rock phosphate, sodium borate, sodium molybdate, soybean meal, zinc sulfate.


  • 2 % Seaweed derived from Ascophyllum nodosum and Laminaria digitata, 0.2 % Humic acids derived from Leonardite, 1.5 % Cane sugar, 0.5 % Glacial rock powder