Terra Aquatica FinalPart 500 ml


T.A. FinalPart (General Hydroponics Ripen) is a liquid nutrient that has been specifically engineered and developed to promote increased and abundant flowering with greater oil and fragrance production.

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Late Flowering Nutrient T.A. FinalPart 500 ml

Terra Aquatica FinalPart (Ripen, by General Hydroponics), is a specific tool to speed up the flowering process. FinalPart basically slowly stresses the plant thus 'forcing' it to speed it's ripening process in an effort to spread it's genes. This is particularly useful when you have to finish a crop in hurry.


  • If you have a mite infestation or some other problem
  • You can use FinalPart in either hydroponics & soil and you use it on it's own at the rate of 4 - 5 ml / 1 L
  • It is only possible to use FinalPart for 2 weeks maximum prior to desired harvesting date
  • FinalPart has also been found to be beneficial in producing additional essential oils in plants