Terra Aquatica TriPart Bloom 1 L


Terra Aquatica TriPart Bloom is a liquid concentrated nutrient that stimulates flower and fruit development.

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Liquid Mineral Fertilizer Terra Aquatica TriPart Bloom 1 L

Recognized for consistently delivering reliable results for all plants, growing methods, media and applications. TriPart (Flora Series), the original 3-Part Building-Block Nutrient System, contains all Primary, Secondary and Micronutrients required for balanced plant nutrition. Made from pharmaceutical grade minerals, TriPart is formulated to be the finest balanced and pH buffered fertilizer available. The three parts make complete and balanced nutrient solutions for proper plant nutrition that produce strong vigorous plants, abundant large healthy flowers, enhanced yields and nutrient dense crops. TriPart is the most used nutrient for a reason, it delivers spectacular results such as enhanced size, quantity, flavor, aroma, potency and essential oils in your fruits, flowers and vegetables. Designed to work in Coir, Hydroponics, Soilless and Soil.

Terra Aquatica TriPart Bloom (GHE FloraBloom) is a liquid concentrated nutrient that stimulates flower and fruit development.


  • How to use TriPart? Depending on the life stage of your plant, add different proportions of the 3 components separately, one after the next, until you reach the desired EC level. Follow the instructions on the labels and don't hesitate to contact us directly for all information. Application charts and nutrition programs, in soil and in hydro, are available.
  • When to use TriPart? Use TriPart throughout the entire life of the plants.
  • Which are the advantages of TriPart? TriPart guarantees complete and perfectly balanced nutrition, rich in primary and secondary elements, as well as in essential microelements and organic buffers.
  • Where will I see the results? Results are seen in the health, increased growth rates and increased fruit/flower production of plants grown using the TriPart.
  • Why should I use TriPart? TriPart is known as the most consistent and reliable liquid premium nutrient in the world. Having 3 parts to mix and match allows the grower to custom match the fertilizer to any specific plant type.