Plagron Easy Pack 100% Natural

SKU : 52060

The Easy Pack 100% NATURAL contains all the nutrients you need to grow 4 plants from start to finish. Depending on pot size, watering frequency and watering amount you can grow on average 4 plants with this pack. It contains organic basic nutrients for the growth and flowering phase and 4-in-1 product Green Sensation. The combination of products in this pack ensures a great taste of your end result and a legendary yield! It’s that easy!

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Plagron Easy Pack 100% NATURAL

Inside Easy Pack you’ll find a manual with our grow schedule. Follow this grow schedule and the indicated dosages for every week/period. There are enough nutrients for up to 8 weeks growth phase and up to 8 weeks flowering phase. If your growth phase is longer than the indicated 2 weeks on the grow schedule, just repeat the amount of nutrients of the final growth week.


  • 250 ml Alga Grow (NPK 4-2-4)
  • 250 ml Alga Bloom (NPK 3-2-5)
  • 50 ml Green Sensation (NPK 0-9-10)
  • 25 ml Plagron measuring cup


  • Alga Bloom is an organic based diet that is specifically made for growing on earth. Alga Bloom use in the flowering stage of the plant. This fertilizer of algae ensures healthy, strong plants and a rich bloom. Protects against high salt concentrations and fungi. Fast food intake for strong growth and flowering. Stimulates the production of chlorophyll. Contains plant's growth and flowering hormones for higher yields. DOSAGE: 4 ml per 1 L of water (1 : 250).


  • Additive Booster Green Sensation is a powerful booster that ensures a high yield. This massager is specially developed for the last four to six weeks of the flowering phase. The sophisticated composition provides Green Sensation in all the nutrients that the plant needs. It provides an exuberant flowering and fruit set, a hard cell structure and the best taste. Plagron Green Sensation is a powerful, natural crop-booster. Proper use of Green Sensation will result in a higher yield, higher sugar production, harder cell structure and increased general resistance to disease. It also enables the plant to recover more quickly from stress (for example, after re-potting). The results are sensational and easy to achieve even for starters. DOSAGE: 1 ml per 1 L of water (1 : 1000).