Atami ATA NRG Organics Alga-C 1 L

SKU : 4013

Atami ATA NRG Alga-C is an universal organic stimulator that is composed of various seaweeds extracts. Helps to prevent stress for the plant and ensure that all the plant’s needs are met.

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Liquid Bio Fertilizer Atami ATA NRG Organics Alga-C 1 L

Organic growing is becoming increasingly popular. This liquid bio-stimulator is therefore a godsend. It is a bio-stimulator, which is composed of organic materials such as various seaweeds. It therefore contains a wealth of amino acids, trace elements, vitamins and plant hormones. This way it helps to prevent stress for the plant and it ensures that all the needs of the plant are met. It improves the condition of your crop, so the chance of diseases and shortages is drastically reduced. In short, essential for any healthy plant!


  • Can be used daily during the entire growing and flowering stage in addition to the regular nutrition to irrigate the crop
  • Alga-C can also be used as leaf nutrition. In that case it is used to spray the leaves
  • As an addition to the nutrition: 2 - 5 ml per 1 L of nutrient solution
  • As leaf nutrition: 1 - 3 ml per 1 L of water. Spray both top and underside of the leaves


  • Active Phytoingredients (including amino acids, betaines, alginic acid and carbohydrates) 11,0 %

DOSAGE (only for use in the nutrition tank)

  • 1. & 2. Week 1 ml per 1 L of water
  • 3. & 4. Week 1 ml - 2 ml per 1 L of water
  • 5. & 6. Week 2 ml - 3 ml per 1 L of water
  • 7., 8. & 9. Week 3 ml - 4 ml per 1 L of water