Biobizz Starters-Pack


Biobizz Starters-Pack is fully loaded with everything you need to begin your own growing adventure.

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Complete Set of Organic Fertilizers Biobizz Starters-Pack

If you don't know where to start, then let Biobizz make it easy for you! The Starters Pack is fully loaded with everything you need to initiate your own growing adventure, which will make you and your plants grow together. Let the Biobizz experience show you the magic of nature: rooting, growing and blooming phases will be taken care of with the most amazing harvest as result. You don't need to be an expert, just follow our nutrient program and check it out yourself.


  • 1 x 1000 ml Bio-Bloom
  • 1 x 1000 ml Bio-Grow
  • 1 x  500 ml Top-Max
  • 1 x  250 ml Bio-Heaven
  • 1 x  250 ml Root-Juice
  • Literature, a magnet, a pen & a measuring cup (55 ml)


  • A complete liquid organic fertilizer which contains a small amount of nitrogen and enough phosphorous and potassium to ensure exuberant flowering. Trace elements and hormones of vegetable origin are also added to improve the flowering process. Bio-Bloom also contains enzymes and amino acids, which work in harmony with the soil to promote flowering and fruit production. Bio-Bloom™ for soil, soilless, or fortified coco is therefore a complete fertilizer used from the beginning of fruit or flower production until harvest. It is packed with naturally occurring minerals, micronutrients, amino acids, and hormones of vegetable origin to ensure exuberant flowers and fruit setting.


  • Biobizz Bio-Grow is a liquid growth fertilizer which can be applied to most types of soil and substrate mixtures. Bio-Grow activates the bacterial flora in the substrate thanks to it basis of 100 % Dutch organic sugar beet extract, commonly known as molasses. Molasses is a syrup that contains sugar. It forms as a by-product of sugar manufacturing using sugar beet or sugar cane.


  • A 100 % organic flowering strengthener which has the threefold purpose of dramatically increasing the actual size and weight of clusters of flowers, leaving a sweet, smooth taste in the finished product and facilitating the uptake of nutrients by the plants. It has been especially developed for use in combination with Biobizz soil mixtures. The extraordinary way Top-Max™ assists in the flow of nutrients is made possible through the use of humic acids, which are formed over millions of years by deposits of vegetables and soil. Its main source is a deposit called Leonardite, which is the material with greatest organic concentration in the planet.


  • A specially formulated plant energy booster which contains carefully selected biological stimulants, such as amino-acids. Amino-acids are the basic building blocks for proteins and enzymes, which are essential for the plants’ structure and metabolism. As a result, Bio-Heaven™ enhances the utilization and translocation of nutrients in fertilizer blends & foliars and boosts the anti-oxidant system of the plant. It also rids plants of the toxins built up during periods of stress, repairs chlorophyll and re-stimulates the plant. These processes stimulated by Bio-Heaven™ enhance the availability of nutritionally important trace elements, which can enter plant cells.


  • A harmonious balance of premium humic and fulvic acids with seaweed. It has been especially formulated to organically promote vigorous root development and stimulate the biological life of the radicular system. The result: explosive growth. Ideal for use with hydroponic or soil grown crops and in coconut substrate, it strengthens crops by increasing their resistance to diseases. Root-Juice is a 100 % vegetable root stimulator that creates an explosive root growth in already rooted plants through the stimulation of natural soil life surrounding the root system. A better yield due to the ability of the plant to accelerate the nutrient uptake. A higher resistance to high EC-values. It produces a strong plant that is resistant to disease and insect attack.