Canna Hydro Flores A+B 2 x 5 L

SKU : 2458

Canna Hydro Flores is a complete professional nutrient for the flowering phase of plants.

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Two-component Nutrient Canna Hydro Flores A+B 2 x 5 L

Stimulates the fructification and contains all the nutrients that the plant needs during this phase! A direct availability and a correct composition of nutrients play a crucial role during the plant's blooming phase. Hydro Flores unique formula is rich in chelated trace elements in a directly absorbable form. This results in an exuberant bloom.


  • Shake bottle well before use
  • Fill nutrient reservoir with water
  • Add Hydro Flores Hard to the nutrient reservoir with the dilution ratio 1 : 250 (400 ml A and 400 ml B per 100 L of water)
  • Stir well, then add Hydro Flores B Hard Again, stir well and let mixture stand for some hours
  • The EC of Hydro Flores Hard dissolved in (tap) water varies between 1, 8 - 2, 7 mS (= the solution EC + the water EC)
  • Recommended pH: 5, 2 - 6, 2
  • When growing intensively drip feed the plants 1 - 3 times a day with this nutrient and make sure the drain will be between 10% and 20% and/or fl ush with water every 1 - 2 weeks
  • In general this means 4 - 6 Liter of nutrient per m² per day Storage, health & safety and other directions
  • CANNA developed Hydro Vega Hard specially for the growing phase of the plant
  • Do not mix A & B concentrate directly, Insoluble combinations will occur which the plant cannot absorb
  • CANNA only works with high graded nutrients and chelates, which are immediately and completely available for the plant


  • SOFT A + SOFT B: NPK (5 – 3 – 10) with micronutrients
  • HARD A + HARD B: NPK (5 – 3 – 10) with micronutrients


  • SOFT A + SOFT B: (N) 5,3 % total ((NH₄) 0,3 %, (NO₃) 5,0 %), (P₂O₅) 3,1 %, (P) 1,3 %, (K₂O) 9,6 %, (K) 8,0 %, (CaO) 4,8 %, (Ca) 3,4 %, (MgO) 1,5 %, (Mg) 0,9 %, (SO₃) 3,0 %, (S) 1,2 %, (B) 0,007 %, (Cu) 0,001 %, (Fe) 0,021 % chelated with DTPA, (Mn) 0,014 %, (Mo) 0,002 %, (Zn) 0,007 %
  • HARD A + HARD B: (N) 5,3 % total, ((NH₄) 0,3 %, (NO₃) 5,0 %), (P₂O₅) 3,1 %, (P) 1,3 %, (K₂O) 9,6 %, (K) 8,0 %, (CaO) 3,5 %, (Ca) 2,5 %, (MgO) 1,3 %, (Mg) 0,8 %, (SO₃) 3,0 %, (S) 1,2 %, (B) 0,007 %, (Cu) 0,001 %, (Fe) 0,021 % chelated with DTPA, (Mn) 0,014 %, (Mo) 0,002%, (Zn) 0,007 %