Bio Nova Coco Forte A+B (2 x 5 L)

SKU : 50205

Coco Forte A+B fertilizer is the most simple solution for cultivating on cocofiber substrates. Two bottles for the entire growth - growing and flowering period.

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€37.89 €75.77

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Mineral Substrate Fertilizer Bio Nova Coco Forte A+B  (2 x 5 L)

Coco Forte A+B is a complete nutrient solution which has the same convenience of synthetic A/B-systems and the quality of the best organic fertilizers.

Coco Forte A+B fertilizer is the most simple solution for cultivating on cocofiber substrates like slabs, bricks and cocosubstrate (Cocopeat). One of the reasons which makes its application so easy is the combination of nutrients for growing and flowering within one product; two bottles/containers is all you need for the entire growth. This fertilizer is free of excess ingredients and contains only minerals plants are able to absorb directly.

The basis for Coco Forte is Nutri Forte. All minerals are of a “Food-Grade”-quality and the trace elements are chelated so that they can be absorbed within a larger pH-range. Especially for the coconut substrate, various elements have been added to this A+B fertilizer, which guarantee an optimal growth and flowering on coconut slabs, in particular in the case of re-use. Make sure that the slabs are free of diseases, plagues or viruses in case of re-use.


  • The application is fairly easy and restricts itself to measuring off the proper amounts of A and B and mixing them into the water one at a time. After the mixing, it might be necessary to adjust the pH to 5.8 (5.5 - 6.5) - (check the pH-meter once a month by means of the proper pH tester)
  • Continuously 10 - 23 ml A and B per 10 L of water
  • When you are re-using coconut slabs, it is recommended to first do an EC-measurement to determine the initial dosage
  • BN Coco Forte can be applied to the majority of coconut slabs